The Catholic Company is not only the leading online and catalog seller of Catholic books and gifts, but it is also the first of its kind to sell products on Facebook with Soldsie. Having amassed a loyal following since the business’s opening in 1997, the Catholic Company now makes its bibles and books, rosaries, prayer cards, and other gifts available to nearly 400,000 followers on Facebook.

Company owner Nicholas Cole spearheaded the effort, running promotions before the first Facebook sale last year. The first sale post got excellent traction and spawned deals through Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas of 2013. The products varied from cross pendants to gilt medal key chains to coloring activities for children.

The company  page had been accruing thousands of fans every week, but before Soldsie, there hadn’t been a way to monetize Facebook, said Nicholas. Flash sales and semi-monthly sponsored ads kept the page’s engagement levels high. Executing the sales were simple, too–the Catholic Company posted items based on their regular editorial calendar.

To see how the Catholic Company has successfully transplanted its brand and products onto Facebook, check out their page!